* @param $args[0] the key pointing to the ast, must begin with `class.ClassName`
* @param $args[1] array class ast
* @param $args[2] is the AstVerb class instance
$class = $args[1];
$instanceArg = '$'.lcfirst($class['name']);
$visibility = '*';
foreach ($class['methods'] as $m):
// print_r($m);
// exit;
$declare = substr($m['declaration'], 0, strpos($m['declaration'], '('));
$declareParts = explode(' ', $declare);
if ($visibility!=='*'){
if (!in_array($visibility, $declareParts))continue;
$isStatic = false;
if (in_array('static',$declareParts))$isStatic = true;
$pos = strpos($m['declaration'],$m['name']);
$cleanDefinition = substr($m['declaration'],$pos);
// $pos = strpos($cleanDefinition, '{');
// $cleanDefinition = trim(substr($cleanDefinition,0,$pos));
//special declaration conversions:
// static should be ClassName::method(...)
// __construct should be new ClassName(...)
// other should be $className->method(...)
if ($m['name']=='__construct'){
$cleanDefinition = $instanceArg.' = new '.$class['name'].substr($cleanDefinition,strlen('__construct'));
} else if ($isStatic){
$cleanDefinition = $class['name'].'::'.$cleanDefinition;
} else {
$cleanDefinition = $instanceArg.'->'.$cleanDefinition;
$description = $m['dockblock']['tip']??$m['docblock']['description']??'';
$description = str_replace("\n", "\n ", $description);
- `<?=$cleanDefinition?>`: <?=$description?>
foreach ($m['docblock']??[] as $verb=>$text){
if ($verb=='src'||$verb=='description'||$verb=='type'||$verb=='tip')continue;
echo " - `@$verb`: $text\n";
// print_r($class);